fredag 1 juli 2011

Fitness freak

I've been obssesed with fitness and health a bit too much lately... here's some pics on healthy food I'm liking and craving at the moment. I would never even trade these yummy babes for fast food and junk (although I have my weak moments hihi)! None of these pics are mine! x


Ten Delicious Foods That Will Give You Great Skin
1. Avocados
This rich tropical fruit is filled with vitamins C and E, which work well toward fighting the effects of skin aging.Although avocados are high in fat, the type of fat they have is monounsaturated. This means that they’re loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that help improve the quality of our skin.
2. Berries
Blueberries, black currants, raspberries, cranberries, and strawberries are all beneficial for our skin. Even better are the exotic Acai berries, which come from the Amazon forests in Brazil.Acai berries have the most potent antioxidant content of any fruit in the world, which is why they’ve been called a super food. When we load up on foods that are rich in antioxidants, we neutralize the free radicals in our body, the culprits behind premature skin aging and cell damage.Berries are also a great source of vitamins C and E, riboflavin, and fibers. More importantly, these tiny fruits have a natural ingredient that helps the body manufacture collagen, which makes the skin supple and smooth. Not bad for such a tiny fruit.
3. Dark Chocolate
Surprisingly enough, dark chocolate has a high antioxidant content that helps improve the flow of blood to the skin. It also gets rid of the rough feel our skin sometimes gets, while at the same time protecting it from sun damage.
4. Green Tea
Green tea is the one food items on our list that’s also considered one of the ultimate healthful drinks; it’s even better for our skin than water. It’s used as a natural remedy for acne and is a potent antioxidant. If you drink green tea regularly, you’ll get the daily dose of vitamins C, D, and K that your body needs. So ditch the caffeine and substitute it with a cup or two of green tea.
5. Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines, and Fresh Tuna
All of these fish variants are on the oily side. But don’t think that just because they’re oily, they won’t contribute to the health of your skin. These types of fish all contain the healthy and essential omega-3 oils.Omega-3s improve the health of our skin by decreasing the chances of it clogging up and improving its elasticity. Aside from improving the general quality of our skin, omega-3s also make for suppler and younger-looking.
6. Oysters
Although they’re popular aphrodisiacs, oysters are also an excellent source of zinc, which helps to renew and revitalize the skin, while also assisting with the production of collagen.
7. Pomegranate Fruits and Pomegranate Juice
Just like acai berries, pomegranate is also considered a super food because of its high antioxidant content. Whether you enjoy it in pure-juice form or just eat the fruit itself, this delicious fruit helps to prevent the appearance of varicose veins. The anthocyanins in pomegranates help strengthen the walls of the tiny blood vessels, which in turn supply the skin with the nutrients that it needs.
8. Spinach
There’s a reason Popeye made spinach his power veggie. It’s rich in alpha lipoic acid and lutein, two compounds that help slow down the aging of skin and have anti-inflammatory benefits.
9. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, which works as an antioxidant and prevents the occurrence of certain cancers.
10. Walnuts
Just like fish oils, walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Not only will they improve the smoothness of your skin, but they’ll also make your body better able to battle inflammatory diseases.
Fill your grocery cart with these delicious foods the next time you go shopping and watch nature work wonders on your skin.


Smoothie | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

1 kommentar:

  1. It all looks SOO GOOD! hmm I'm not sure about the last one, looks too good to be healthy? lol
