Everyone are going through their own tribulations, their own journeys with problems and blessings. It really makes me both upset and sad that we do have people that don't reflect upon other peoples feelings and problems but all they do is find reasons to point fingers and accuse others of horrible things. The same people have problems of their own and you all know how the sayings go, "before pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean"
It doesn't matter for these people what you do or what you don't. They will always and I mean always find a way to criticze and judge you. Cuz this is what they seem to live for, this what they do all day to feel better about themselves and their lives. I have been surrounded by these types of people my whole life, and not because I have choosen it myself but purely for the reasons that they are everywhere I go as you meet people like these throughout life and whether I like it or not they will talk. Whenever I use to dress in a certain way or do something, they would always judge in a very harsh and embarrassing manner, "Don't you know thats haraam!?" or "Why do you wear nail-polish, you can pray in that!?" And thinking about it, I never even dressed in a very "haraam" way back then and I still don't.
I can't say that I have never been hurt by these words and these peoples talks. That would be a lie, because whether we admit it to ourselves or not words do hurt. Hell, words even have the power to kill and create wounds that aren't repairable. Have you ever thought about that? But I see myself as a strong person, not to boast or put myself out there, but I feel like I have rised above these things. When I changed my life around and started practicing Islam and did good things in my life these people weren't satisfied at all. They would come up with reasons to my change, saying that I did all of these NOT for the sake of Allaah and for the deen but to better my "image" and "reputation" so they could say good things about me.
I know many girls and women go through what I'm talking about and even worse things because gossiping and talking behind ones back is more common among women than men. I know many girls that wear the hijaab are accused of so many things and criticzed for whatever they are doing, but now that you weren't created to make these people satisifed with your decisions. When doing something always have in mind Allaah and what the religion say and how you feel!
I'm just ranting right now and just putting all my thoughts out here (that's why I got a blog yoooo) haha sorry for all the grammar errors and not making sense if you don't get me, but my point is that each person have their problems and each person is also unique and good in their own way. I really believe it is up to us to try to bring out the good in people and try to make excuses for brothers and sisters and humanity in general rather than judging and pushing them further away. Never let words hurt you and bring you down, and never do anything for anyone besides Allah!

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