I'm quite happy with my "new" design. I didn't actually do that much but deciding the font type and etc. but either way, it looks better than it did before. What do you guys think? :)
So what have I been up to lately? I've been working, working and more... working. I'm off for the weekend, thank gooood I really needed it but then I'm back on track on monday again. :(
Hope everything is well with you guys, Bless!
lördag 30 juli 2011
måndag 25 juli 2011
I'm going to do a total makeover to my blog ! change the design and everything, bare with me inshallah :) and Oh ramadan soon <3
tisdag 19 juli 2011
tired.. Worked evening/night today! Hitting the gym tomorrow morning, some cardio and definitely working on my abs tomorrow.
OMGEEE btw! I bought this GORGEOUS, AMAZING, WONDERFUL wedges yesterday from H&M! I have no words. I'm officially addicted to shoes, I even told my sis that I would end up marrying a shoe.. yeah, normal right?
OMGEEE btw! I bought this GORGEOUS, AMAZING, WONDERFUL wedges yesterday from H&M! I have no words. I'm officially addicted to shoes, I even told my sis that I would end up marrying a shoe.. yeah, normal right?
söndag 17 juli 2011
Work, work!
Countdown: 3 hours until work! =[ Oh my god.. I won't even be getting any sleep today because I'm so scared that I'll oversleep as it have happen way too many times before! So I'm going to stay up until its time to leave home. I really don't wanna go to work but at the same time I should be grateful and happy over the fact that I do got a job.
Won't be able to workout this morning so I'll be in the gym doing some cardio later tonight. I need new gym clothes by the way, I'll treat myself with some Nike clothes after I've reached my goal yaaay =] And oh yeah, some shopping is about to go down after work today! I've spotted a gorgeous maxi skirt @ topshop that I have to get!

Give meeee this!
Won't be able to workout this morning so I'll be in the gym doing some cardio later tonight. I need new gym clothes by the way, I'll treat myself with some Nike clothes after I've reached my goal yaaay =] And oh yeah, some shopping is about to go down after work today! I've spotted a gorgeous maxi skirt @ topshop that I have to get!
Give meeee this!
Good, better, best.
Hey guys! I have been taking a break from the gym lately and working out and I have just been chilling with loved ones. Yesterday the weather was awesome here in Sweden so me and a couple of friends went out with our Scooters. We had such a blast, and I can totally feel some soreness on my legs. Onto other things, I haven't been accepted to the program I wanted to attend in university :( I don't know what to do really.. Work starts tomorrow YIKEES!! I don't want to :( and I will also be food-shopping tomorrow inshaallah. Sorry for the messy post, I am lying in my bed and blogging from my phone as it's pouring rain outside. Today, I don't feel like doing anything..
tisdag 12 juli 2011
Go hard or go home
Good morning! Just got back from the gym. Chilling now with a bowl of blueberries mixed with yoghurt and with THE book "The Alchemist"! Good start for the day :) if I only knew how to insert pics from the mobile, I'd show you guys my new wedges. But I don't =(
Swedish time
Writing in Swedish, just because I feel like it... :)

Livet är en stor gåta. Egentligen inte. Jag vet exakt vad jag vill, hur jag ska ta mig dit och med vad och vem. Ändå är det något som stoppar mig. Eller någon snarare. Jag står i vägen för mig själv. Det media, samhället och alla runtomkring mig har predikat för mig alla dessa år har äntligen nått mig. Jag är min största fiende. Och hur vill dom jag ska bli av med mig själv? Ändra på mig. Fly från mig själv och den jag är egentligen är till att bli en del utav den ideal dom har suttit upp för hur vi alla ska se ut, prata, bete oss. Sjukt. Nu babblar jag bara. Trying to make sense out of nonsense. Blandar engelska och svenska, allting o-organiserad, hur man än stavar till det. Men är det inte the beauty of life? Att allting är en stor mess. Vissa dagar vaknar man upp och man orkar bara inte hantera eller deal with it. Och så har vi lyckans dagar då man bara vaknar upp och allting är solklart. Livet är verkligen stor gåta. Egentligen inte...
Livet är en stor gåta. Egentligen inte. Jag vet exakt vad jag vill, hur jag ska ta mig dit och med vad och vem. Ändå är det något som stoppar mig. Eller någon snarare. Jag står i vägen för mig själv. Det media, samhället och alla runtomkring mig har predikat för mig alla dessa år har äntligen nått mig. Jag är min största fiende. Och hur vill dom jag ska bli av med mig själv? Ändra på mig. Fly från mig själv och den jag är egentligen är till att bli en del utav den ideal dom har suttit upp för hur vi alla ska se ut, prata, bete oss. Sjukt. Nu babblar jag bara. Trying to make sense out of nonsense. Blandar engelska och svenska, allting o-organiserad, hur man än stavar till det. Men är det inte the beauty of life? Att allting är en stor mess. Vissa dagar vaknar man upp och man orkar bara inte hantera eller deal with it. Och så har vi lyckans dagar då man bara vaknar upp och allting är solklart. Livet är verkligen stor gåta. Egentligen inte...
My favorite actors
Robert De Niro

Al Pacino

Will Smith

Gerard Butler

Chris Tucker

lol just noticed I don't have a single favorite female actress... sad mayn, sad.
Al Pacino
Will Smith
Gerard Butler
Chris Tucker
lol just noticed I don't have a single favorite female actress... sad mayn, sad.
I'm such a dreamer. I'm lost in a sea of my own thoughts all day long and I really don't know nor experience what's going on around me. Life is passing by. and all I'm doing is thinking and dreaming about what I could do, who I could be instead of doing it. Life is too short wallahi, time is ticking. Its either your enemey or you friend. Time to make time my best friend.
söndag 10 juli 2011
"I belive that every person is born with a talent"
I discovered the show called "Def Jam Poetry" yesterday. Oh my god... why don't we have shows like that anymore? I Love It. It really encouraged me to start writing again.
Current favorite perfumes
I love this perfume! It smell so delicious, like vanilla... obviously. Vanilla is kind of my "signature scent" if that makes sense.
My friend use to always wear this perfume and I always use to like it but I never asked, don't know why really. My mom bought it one day randomly and I've been loving it since then. It smells both feminine and masculine.
This smells SUMMER! Its like the summer scent. I just love it, so tropical, beachy (is that even a wooord). Y'all should go and smell it.. if you haven't yet!!

Pink sugaaaah! I love this smell, it smells just like sugar. Whatever sugar nowadays smells. Such a girly scent!
Lastly, we got Britney Spears "Midnight fantasy" and I really don't know how to explain this scent, I just love it!
torsdag 7 juli 2011
Yo yo yo, waadduppppp!?!?
I mean... Salam aleykum :)
I've been having so much fun these days and I haven't found the time to actually sit down in front of the computer, log into facebook, read other blogs let alone post something on my own! But here I am... So I have basically been with friends and family! Yesterday for an example I was with the family and we went to LISEBERG! For you guys that don't know what Liseberg is, it is basically a fair in Gothenburg! Its the biggest funfair in Scandinavia.
We had so much fun and I'm going back this saturday again but with friends, I'll take loads of pictures then!!! I'm sorry if I haven't share any "personal" pics here on the blog on myself and so on but I'm kinda of camera/blog shy at the moment but hopefully it'll change...
söndag 3 juli 2011
Hola amigos! ¿Cómo estás? Es todo bien con todos vosotros? Realmente espero que sí. No sabía que podía hablar español lo hizo? Bueno, ahora lo sabes. Pero yo sólo puedo hablar muy poco. Tengo que aprender más. Esto es todo lo que puedo decir.
Yeahhh, I've might have cheated un poco while writing this. I started learning Spanish last year around summer time, I went really far as I studied around three months before becoming lazy and putting the books aside. I ordered a few books yesterday and when they arrive inshallah, I'll be back to studying Spanish once again! hollaaahh
There are so many languages I want to learn, besides Spanish I want to learn French, Dutch, German, Italian, Russian, Arabic and Turkish. Inshallah, I'll succeed and reach these goals one day, one or two languages at the time :) I love languages as you can see and learning about other peoples cultures. I so want to travel around the world, not worry about anything but learning languages and experiencing different cultures and environments.
But that's a dream ehhh! English is NOT my native language, but I still consider myself fluent in this language. I do write a lot of grammar errors and misspell words a lot, as you'll see in this blog but I can't really be bothered to sit down and check grammar errors when all I want to do is just rant hahah. I also went to an English speaking high school, meaning I spent three years studying, speaking,writing and thinking in English, so yeah!
Oh my gosh, I really need to stop writing this much wooah! or you'll get tired of me haha.. anyways deuces my friends. Have a nice and blessed day/night! x
don't judge.
Everyone are going through their own tribulations, their own journeys with problems and blessings. It really makes me both upset and sad that we do have people that don't reflect upon other peoples feelings and problems but all they do is find reasons to point fingers and accuse others of horrible things. The same people have problems of their own and you all know how the sayings go, "before pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean"
It doesn't matter for these people what you do or what you don't. They will always and I mean always find a way to criticze and judge you. Cuz this is what they seem to live for, this what they do all day to feel better about themselves and their lives. I have been surrounded by these types of people my whole life, and not because I have choosen it myself but purely for the reasons that they are everywhere I go as you meet people like these throughout life and whether I like it or not they will talk. Whenever I use to dress in a certain way or do something, they would always judge in a very harsh and embarrassing manner, "Don't you know thats haraam!?" or "Why do you wear nail-polish, you can pray in that!?" And thinking about it, I never even dressed in a very "haraam" way back then and I still don't.
I can't say that I have never been hurt by these words and these peoples talks. That would be a lie, because whether we admit it to ourselves or not words do hurt. Hell, words even have the power to kill and create wounds that aren't repairable. Have you ever thought about that? But I see myself as a strong person, not to boast or put myself out there, but I feel like I have rised above these things. When I changed my life around and started practicing Islam and did good things in my life these people weren't satisfied at all. They would come up with reasons to my change, saying that I did all of these NOT for the sake of Allaah and for the deen but to better my "image" and "reputation" so they could say good things about me.
I know many girls and women go through what I'm talking about and even worse things because gossiping and talking behind ones back is more common among women than men. I know many girls that wear the hijaab are accused of so many things and criticzed for whatever they are doing, but now that you weren't created to make these people satisifed with your decisions. When doing something always have in mind Allaah and what the religion say and how you feel!
I'm just ranting right now and just putting all my thoughts out here (that's why I got a blog yoooo) haha sorry for all the grammar errors and not making sense if you don't get me, but my point is that each person have their problems and each person is also unique and good in their own way. I really believe it is up to us to try to bring out the good in people and try to make excuses for brothers and sisters and humanity in general rather than judging and pushing them further away. Never let words hurt you and bring you down, and never do anything for anyone besides Allah!

lördag 2 juli 2011
The great debaters
Salaam babes!
Hope you have all had a wonderful day inshallah and if not, lets hope you have a brigther day tomorrow :)
I'm going to watch a movie with my lilsis now, we are gonna watch "The great debaters" and judging from the trailer it seems like an awesome movie. Helloooo, Denzel Washington is in it!? but no for real, two years ago I was this movie freak, I could sit in front of the computer and watch movies the whoooole day! But today, uh-huhhh youre lucky if you have my attention for 5 mins...
And ohhh yeah, I'm thinking about entering the competition which Dina Tokio wrote about in her blog! :) It's gonna be fun inshallah.
fredag 1 juli 2011
Fitness freak
I've been obssesed with fitness and health a bit too much lately... here's some pics on healthy food I'm liking and craving at the moment. I would never even trade these yummy babes for fast food and junk (although I have my weak moments hihi)! None of these pics are mine! x
Monki.. such a funny and cute name! Anyways, I've been shopping... *which I really shouldn't do, instead I should save some money for better and more beneficial things* and I thought I'll show you guys two things I picked up from Monki today cuz they were having a sale. Otherwise, theres no way I would've come closed to there clothes as I think they are a bit to pricey for me.
I loved the print on this top... so me! It was basically screaming my name. I think it would look good on basically everything!
I've been eyeing this top for a really long time and I finally got it. Although I'm a bit unsure on how to wear it. Probably with a black maxi dress or something.. ofcourse with a cardigan over it or something!
I'm sorry that I didn't update yesterday, thats because my big family arrived last night from another town and they are staying over until Sunday. So, that means I'll be busy babysitting cousins and gossiping with old aunties! *Jookes* I've also been busy reading... gosh, I'm such a nerd. Bought this book "The Alchemist" by Paul Co... I don't dare to finish his last name as I might misspell it, anyways.. so far so good!
Salaam x.
onsdag 29 juni 2011
New stuff
Hey guys... sorry for the bad quality of the pics, I took them with my iPhone... can't be bothered to charge our camera lol. Anyways, these are few things I bought today...
A new shirt dress I got... good for layering and so on!
My new ring! Love it cuz it got a peace-sign on and I'm bit obssesed with peace-signs...
The rings I ordered...
I love them hihi...
I also got a really cute box which I'm going to use to store these rings in!
I'm gonna go grocery shopping now! Need to buy some healthy stuff, me and my family really do have a different "diet" which kind of forces me to spend my own money on food... Anyways, salaam! x
Take me away
I just want to get away right now... I'm so tired of the city and the place I'm living in because I've basically lived here my whole life and I see and know the same people for the past 18 years.
I want to travel so badly! Inshallah soon, can't wait for Turkey <3
I'm gonna go shopping nooow with my babysis, hopefully if I do find some things I'll show you guys later ;)
tisdag 28 juni 2011
Being in love is hard
from asos.com,
I'm in love with these shoes...
also from asos.com,
...and this bag!!!
God, I don't know what to do. They are kind of expensive, especially the bag.. atleast that's what I think. is it really worth it?!
Onto other things hahaha, I'm so random!
Ramadan is soon!!!!!
I am so excited because that is seriously the best month ever! The special feeling, the gatherings, the prayers, the fooooood (both abstaining from it and eating it like you've never seen food for years when breaking your fast lol) when trying to look for the blessing of laylatul qadr, quran recitations, muslims gathering together and seeing people you haven't seen since last ramdan, guys I love it all! <3
And then.... EID!!! I really can't wait!
Salaam x.
Tuesday is a bad day
Salaam babes!
I've been bad today, ferry, ferry naughty!... I haven't done anything productive at all.. I've been lying around in my bed, reading different blogs and watching youtube videos (I'm so addicted...) and then me and my mom decided to be even more un-productive (as if that is possible) and went to the mall to do... nothing.
Anyways, I'm sitting here now and I'm full after I have been eating a whole pizza by myself. Dinner-time equals war-time at my place cuz my family is so big (*mashallah, knocks on wood*) and basically everyone walks around hungry all day (no idea why when the fridge is full) and as soon as mom calls after pizza... its ON! lool. I'm crazy, please forgiiiive me! I'm probably not even making any sense...
Toomorrow its back to being healthy and back to the gym! Wohoo, can't wait to get back from my "break" !
my baby <3
måndag 27 juni 2011
The weather is amazing!
Salaam babes!
I've been lying in bed all day long with stomach pain. But I'm feeling much better now alhamdulilah! The sun has been shining all day long and its still up! Sweden is really beautiful during the summer (but during the winter... uhhh, *no words*)!
Some few pictures I snapped with my phone in our balcony. Now, I'm out!! Gonna enjoy the sun with the family :)
Saalam x!
söndag 26 juni 2011
Maxi skirts!
I'm a maxi skirt girl. I loooove them, how can you not? It looks so classy, chic and it can look in so many different ways depending on what you choose to wear with it! Every girl can rock it, I really don't believe you have to be tall to be able to pull off a maxi skirt (or a maxi dress for that matter!)
Here's some few inpsiration pics, I'm loving...
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